Hello 2019 + Free Printable Calendar


Can you believe it’s 2019 already? I swear, I thought 2018 was never going to end. It was a weird year, to be completely honest with you, I’m not even sure if some of the things that happened in 2018 actually happened. It was simultaneously the slowest and the fastest year I’ve ever experienced.


Anyway, for the past few years I’ve been making and printing out wall calendar/planner to keep up with my daily task. I wrote about this on my Staying On Top of Things post if you’re interested in reading, but basically it’s a wall calendar with spaces in each date. I find that calendars are easier to manage (and more useful) than planners. Mostly because with planners, I’d forget that I even have it and I would let it sit on the shelf, gathering dust. With calendars, I see it every day as I walk out of my bedroom.

I made several variations over the years and thought, why not share this year’s calendar with you guys? This year I decided to go a minimalistic and simple black and white. That way it wont overcrowd the page and distract you from the actual important stuff you put in the boxes. The dates are a bit small, but I figured the bigger the space the better right?

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

I use the calendar to mark orders, plan meals and payment reminders because everybody knows I suck at remembering things.

If you haven’t gotten into the habit of writing down reminders, maybe this year you can start! If you have, well, you can’t really say no free printable calendars can you?

So, enjoy this calendar and here’s to an organized 2019!


sign off

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