Recipe: Tiramisu Chocolate Crepe Cake

It was my birthday a few weeks ago, unfortunately I was in Jakarta at the time so I couldn’t celebrate it with my best friend. As a belated birthday celebration, she came by last week to “bake” me a birthday cake so I could blow candles. Since my in-laws aren’t equipped with proper baking utensils, we decided to make something that the average kitchen users would be able to, hence, the crepe cake.

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The recipe we used as a base is the Martha Stewart’s Darkest Chocolate Crepe Cake recipe, but tweaked it to our liking and honestly, it’s the best crepe cake I’ve ever had in my entire life. Seriously, it was that good that my husband and my sister in-law devoured half of it by the next morning when I wanted a slice for breakfast.

It wasn’t difficult, but it took some time to make since we only had one pan and we have to do each and every layer one by one. Also, the recipe calls for hazelnut fillings but since we couldn’t be bothered to make the filling from scratch, we got a store-bought tiramisu cream filling and it ended up being the best decision we made.

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Top 5 Sundays: Female Superheroes

Did you guys hear the news about Wonder Woman breaking the record as the highest-grossing live-action film to be directed by a woman? Oscar-winning director, Patty Jenkins, directed the DC Comic adaptation and the movie soared through the box office, racking up a total of $330.5 million after just 28 days in US theaters, surpassing the previous title holder as the highest ranking DC movie, Batman v Superman. 

I’m confident that I’m not the only one freaking about this, right? What made me even more excited was the reviews! Wonder Woman, so far, had glowing reviews from across the net, and I’m pretty sure that’s what is keeping the movie in an upward trajectory, unlike the two previous DCEU movies, Suicide Squad or Batman v Superman.

So, to celebrate this momentous occasion, I’m dedicating this post to my top 5 favorite female superheroes from both the cinematic world and the comic books.

Top 5 Female Superheroes
Forewarning, the characters I’m about to list below are all from Marvel, only because I’m unfamiliar with the DC Comics characters, so I won’t try to pretend like I do.


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Jakarta Comic Con 2015

I’m geeking out in this post because the greatest nerd-vention came to Jakarta last weekend. That’s right, the famous Comic Con parked their circus wagon and unleashed a pretty intense level of nerd that got me smiling from ear to ear the entire time we were there.

We went to the last day of the convention, which was pretty stupid because all the good merchandise were gone but it was the only time we could make work. When we got there, it wasn’t as crowded as I thought but the line to get a picture with the Star Wars cosplayers were super long (a bummer since that’s what I was looking forward to). So we walked around the arena, checked out local artists’ booths and cosplayers.

.I’ll admit, there were only few cosplayers that looked like the real deal, but they weren’t all that bad! I was really amazed by the effort these guys put on the costumes, I was green in envy.

Another thing that amazed me was how calm Keira was the entire time we were there.  I took her to see The Walking Dead section and took pictures with the zombies, she didn’t even flinch! She was dead staring at the zombie like he was nothing, while I admit I was a bit scared. It looked so real!

See? Keira was like “Lemme at him! I ain’t scared of no zombies!”

We also saw the guys from the Lego Movie and Adventure Time! Keira couldn’t stop staring at the cosplayers.

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What I was most excited about was the picture I got to take with Darth Vader and his troopers. It was an extremely long line but we powered through, because taking a few pictures with Vader is clearly worth it.

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Isn’t it cool? I swear I went home the happiest girl ever! The only thing that bummed me out was the fact that there was only Vader and the Troopers that day (you should know that Boba Fett is my favourite). I would say that even though it wasn’t as hyped as SDCC (San Diego Comic Con), it was pretty successful for their first appearance in Indonesia.

The thing that got me so pissed that day was the fact that they charge full price for a 7 month old baby. I mean, come on! What on earth can she do in there?! /smh