Word Hunt – Quarantine Activity!

I honestly have no idea how to open this post, because all I want to say is EERRRGGGHHHHHH. To moms out there, where are you now that we’re on day 30 of quarantine? Are you still trying to be fun or are you over it?

Honestly, I’m right in the middle. I’m running low on ideas on how to make this lockdown fun for both me and Keira, but at the same time I’m like screw this, I’ll just let her watch TV so I can play with my phone all day and no NOTHING.

I think what makes this really hard on me is not knowing what to do. I’m eternally grateful that Keira is only in kindergarten because at least I can keep up with the lessons, but not knowing which direction to go makes it difficult for me to start anything. I know the school is doing their best with the sudden change in teaching methods so I’m still patiently waiting for further instructions from the school.

In the mean time though, I figured learning the ABCs and 123s should be safe, right? Before quarantine, we’ve already started reading and writing, but only one word sentences or simple objects. This quarantine I wanted Keira to continue practicing her spelling and writing, so I made up a little game.

The objective is really simple. Find an object around the house that starts with the letter on the page. So, for the letter A, Keira needs to find an object around the house that starts with the letter A. For the letter B, find an object that starts with B, and so on.

I would do this as a refresher in between more ‘serious’ lessons or whenever I needed a breather but it’s not time to watch TV just yet. So far I’ve been asking Keira to do five letters each round, but she’s been doing so well I might make her do a little more.

It’s a work in progress but this helps her improve her spelling and identifying the sounds and its corresponding letter. I’ve categorized the pages to be vowels & consonants so she could learn to differentiate them.

I hope this activity helps you with surviving quarantine, I think I’ll be making more of these activity pages in the future, but for real though, let’s hope this quarantine ends soon!

Talk to you guys later!